About the Author

In his four-decade ordained ministry career, the author, served as an assistant in a city congregation, and as the parish priest in several rural and small town settings. After many years of observation, reflection and reading, reasearchhit full stride in his last parish, a suburban church in York, PA.
In these diverse parishes settings, David was community-minded as a chaplain and visitor to police and fire departments, many hospitals, and various prisons. At one time, he served as a volunteer firefighter! Later, he spent several years involved with the local county disaster preparation and response network.
Academically David completed his B.A. from the University of Toronto. In 1981, earned his M.Div. from the Anglican College of Emmanuel & St. Chad, University of Saskatchewan, and was subsequently ordained a deacon and priest. Through the effort of early morning and disciplined routines, he earned a Th.M. (on police stress), and M.Ed. (on pre-marriage learning) from Queen’s University, Kingston. The Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia awarded David his doctorate on preparing adults for ordained ministry while remaining in their local settings. While in York serving a full-time congregation he also updatedng clinical pastoral skills at the regional trauma center. The combination of experiences learned in parish ministry, community service, and academics were very foundational in the creation this work.
The long-standing habit of early morning work evolved into a twelve-year project culminating with Postmodern Spirituality in the Age of Entitlement. As David contends, “God gave us 5 a.m. for a purpose.” Note: this is easier to accomplish in the summer than in the cold mid-winter!
In this book, David introduces the reader to many images of postmodernism. Next, he offers observations on what is taking place in postmodern Western Christianity. Naturally, the next chapter shows how changes in these two evolutionary/revolutionary realities affect Western spirituality.
There are chapters devoted to, the spiritual but not religious; spirituality and the brain; spirituality and mindfulness; spirituality and issues of loneliness; and, spirituality and education. The last chapter offers reflections of the future of spirituality. This work explores topics such as the “we” to “me” postmodern reality. Likewise, our deep need to consume, to be influenced by commercialism, expecting instant gratification, and developing a lack of patience. Additionally, he shows how we seem to be shallow or quick in our thinking and actions. Other social pressures pushing upon postmodern spirituality are also explored.
This academically presented but easily readable book weaves numerous profound insights of writers well regarded in their various fields. This is intentional to help broaden one’s comprehension. This also adds depth to the fabric of the writing.
Throughout this effort, David often asks readers to stop and ponder what they just read. This is to have readers pause and think deeply. This is counter to postmodernism where we often thrive on instantaneous solutions, quick reactions, and shallow thinking.
At the end of each chapter, there are a few questions that either an individual reader or a small group may explore. David peppers humor and playful insights throughout this writing. Alas, plans to turn this easy reading textbook into a musical met with much resistance!