Author: davidr

An Episcopal/Anglican cleric of over four decades of parish and community expereince. This includes police, fire, prison and hospital chaplancies, along with disaster response planning. With a keen interest in our postmodern society and spirituality, David wrote this book. It took 12-years of much detailed researcy -and typing with two fingers.


Canada was rocked and shocked by École Polytechnique,


Bang, bang – lives end but the pain stays.

Columbine High School shocked us, and we cringed.


Bang, bang – but change does not happen, only sadness endures.

High School after High School, the story is the forever same,

Bang, bang – never much change, but gloom darkly remains.


Churches, Mosques, and Synagogues are religiously in the news,

Bang, bang, creates turmoil, but no bang, bang noise to reform.

Sandy Hook School targeted little ones,

Change is shouted but then dies down, like the wee ones.


Shopping malls, grocery stores, homes, and streets,

Bang, bang, and change does not happen, but sorrow stays,

Close families and random strangers are killed, it does not matter how,

Bang, bang, and change rarely happens, but misery is forever.

Even calm, safe Nova Scotia explodes with a devastating spree.


Trucks, and cars explode into crowds walking, protesting, or Christmas parades,

Another bang, bang, with no sense but nonsense.

Decade after decade we hear, bang, bang, bang, bang.

Suicides we are told double because life seems too hard,

These solve no problems, but family heartaches persist.

Yes, suicide is double, it is not news, but it should be.


Limited mental health resources are overloaded, so is prison the solution?

Would much mental health care help? Would much gun control help?

But still, it is a bang, bang, and the destruction surrounds us all.

Spontaneous, careless thoughtless acts, or long-term well-planned killing sprees,

The results give bang, bang, and many wonder why, oh, why?


Bang and one’s family and others are crushed forever.

With shootings, gun sales go up and up, why, oh why?

Bang, bang, we need changes – rhetoric after bang, bang is often loud.

We need changes, not short-term oratory that gives empty sounds.


Many shouts for change, and many shout back no! – no one wins.

No winners but dead broken souls and innocents, over and over.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, and the band played on.


Even before the bang bang was common Pete Seeger asked, “When will we ever learn?”

Sadly, as the Stones later cried, “Let the tears go by” And, we do, we do, we do.


The dead heard no bang, bang, and we remain deaf to their deaths.

An Opinion Piece – Why not? It is a very popular postmodern way to say here is my righteous biased rant. (PS: This is a gentle opinion that explores not dictates)

An Opinion Piece – Why not? It is a very popular postmodern way to say here is my righteous biased rant. (PS: This is a gentle opinion that explores not dictates)

Today, one of the most well-loved hymns of evangelicals and various other Protestant churches is (“Give Me That”) “Old-Time Religion.” It is more than a hymn, or valued tune and lyrics. It is a battle cry that resonates with the call to restore “family values.”  In an age of family disintegration where personal needs often usurp one’s duty to others, and where previously fixed nonchanging social principles are “evolving” and changing very quickly. The hymn represented an image to claw back time – to a time when life seemed sacred, safe, steady, and secure.

We might say this hymn is an expressive rallying cry for many in our very fluid society of constant transformation. For example, in clawing back time there is a loud demand to ban abortion. The demand to ban is so fervent that it is even required in some places for victims of rape, underage females, or severe gestation issues. In part, the logic behind this call is abortion is not approved in scripture and that all life is sacred. Here is a question, “How can one say that all life is sacred yet ignore the plight of the homeless?” Also, scriptural stories of marriage among second cousins, or young girls given to older men do not seem important.

This old stirring hymn seems to reach into the past when Christian religion, was the centerpiece of society. Besides condemning abortion, images championed by this idyllic projection of the past also reject anyone from LGBTQIA2S+ communities while also proclaiming that Jesus loves everyone.

This forceful return to mythical idealism is so strong that in some places it is illegal to use the term “gay.” Likewise, this romanticism supports re-writing history as it surely took place Yes, this is sarcasm, but also smacks of the realization that Orwell’s 1984 is real. For example, in this new history of history did you know that slaves kept in huts and treated like functional cattle felt very glad to learn useful trades?

(“Give Me That”) “Old-Time Religion” is a cry to return to the idealistic past when marriage was between a man and woman, and where the man was automatically the head and voice of the family. It is a call to the past where life was seemingly very good for white people.

Those who love this hymn might be the same people who believe that the Old Testament inventory of the 10 Commandments is paramount, but do not hear the cry of Jesus to feed the poor, and heal the sick, help the homeless, the many socially marginalized. It is a false dream that ignores and denies grave situations around us and looks backward to when “Christian values,” reigned. As the hymn proclaims, looking to a dreamed-up past for many “It’s good enough for me.” Furthermore, it is a call to return to a time when solid, fixed, and unchanging Christian religious institutions held sway over society and secularism.

Consciously and unconsciously the image that “white is right,” still exists in Western Society. Can we say bigotry which was living just under the surface is now above the waterline and evident throughout society? It is “not tolerated,” but to what degree are efforts made to eradicate it is a good question for our society? Some rogue police easily overreact or perhaps for sheer pleasure, they commit crimes against people of color. Perhaps, to some degree, they are socially conditioned to jump to conclusions and attack. Is discrimination? Yes. And how are we actively and intentionally responding to this challenge?

Immigrants of past generations do not want new immigrants on their turf – which, by the way, was illegally and legally (?) confiscated several hundred years ago. Sadly, the original “owners” did not see themselves as titleholders. They believed they lived in partnership with the land. What a difference from today’s mentality. Granted there were territorial conflicts between tribes, but that was like nothing compared to the battles of white men raged on the original people of North America. The new white settlers saw the land as an opportunity for them to take, and to make money, to enslave tribes. The new white settlers felt righteous to rape the land and animals. They hunted and nearly eliminated the buffalo – and it was just for sport, an easy sport! The age of the white man’s rule began.

It seems that the 1776 American Declaration of Independence got it wrong when it wrote:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Today, people of color, immigrants, and members of the LGBTQIA2S+ seem excluded from this statement. Perhaps the document should have an asterisk with a footnote stating that these groups, then unbeknownst to the founding fathers, would if known, righteously not be included. Yes, this is more sarcasm. Likewise, the well-known image from Animal Farm which says, “All animals are but some are more equal than others,” seems very real in our “progressive” society.

As the new nation grew it soon realized that it sorely needed much cheap labor for farms. Slavery was the solution. However, as the decades progressed conflict between the waning power of the agricultural South, and the increasing power of the industrial North reached a breaking point. The house divided could not stand and war took place. In part, the war was over the issue of slavery, while another significant issue was the tension of financial and political power moving northward. Although slavery was abolished, segregation, elitism, and bigotry continued to thrive.  Even today people of color find it extremely difficult to obtain home mortgages despite viable income!

Through time the overt influence of the KKK and other white supremacists declined in visibility. But it did not disappear. Today, the comeback exists! It is making waves and battering many “shores.” Shores such as laws on voting, employment, and housing.

While many may live in denial “the divine-right-of-white-men” still exists. White supremacist movements, and those with supremacist leanings, are evident. Some are serious militant efforts. Other efforts try not to be so obvious. Many may not be aware of actions being taken or refuse to believe that all this is taking place.

One example of supremacist leanings is shown as the efforts that raised and encouraged the poor, the disadvantaged, people of color, the marginalized, and anyone non-heterosexual being rolled back. Same-sex marriages, the woman’s right to a safe abortion, and “not say gay,” are examples. Is this not a return to that Old-Time Religion?

Furthermore, college is for those with cash. This means wealthy or middle-class white folk! Laws that lifted the disadvantage of attending schools of higher education were found to be discriminatory. Really! “Affirmation action,” according to some courts were and are discriminatory – but to who, rich white people? Is this a harsh statement, or does it bear elements of truth?

But not all people of low income or color are shunted from colleges. This needs some clarification. Some people of color or from low income homes are welcomed in colleges and universities. They are even given scholarships. These are scholarships that serve to help the school win football, basketball, etc., championships. Places of academics dance to the tune of sports viewership and advertising income expanding the minds of those gifted but lacking cash.

All these issues and much more, such as foreign policies, economic directions, political elector boundaries, court appointments, and more are explosive. We live in a time of extreme partisan, polarized, unbending extremist realities – do it my way or no way – positions. Some of this is fueled by a desire to return to the times when all was calm with “The old-time religion.”  Yes, turning back the clock where if “It was good for our mothers, It’s good enough for me.”

Instead of narrowing the gap between people, it is widening. The poor are getting poorer. New laws that are worded to “help,” all with voting rights and other opportunities are constructed in caged “restrictive” language. Libraries as bastions of knowledge and information now see book banning, and restrictions to thinking, choice, and reflections that do not mirror those of “The old-time religion.”

We can give a label to all these actions – we can call it colonialism.

Unlike the colonialism of centuries past, the new colonialism is not an external force, it is an internal national reality. Instead of dominating other nations, we have groups within nations dominating others. Colonialism was the policy of acquiring full or partial control over other nations and, in turn, manipulating it economically to one’s gain at the other’s great expense. Today, colonialism is various policies and laws that make gains at the expense of the less fortunate within one’s own country. Colonialism creates much political and financial control over minorities, marginalized people, LGBTQIA2S+ communities, the homeless, etc., while saying that efforts are not restrictive. Double-speak lives. What is truly taking place is that people with traditional family values, such as powerful white Christian groups, churches, etc. believe that in reaching back for that “Old-Time Religion” the good old days of Christian dominance will heal and restore society.

Supporters of the “Old-Time Religion” were likely those who were also paramount in the rolling back of safe, legal abortion. Some places even highly criminalized that activity. Discrimination which over the decades was lessening to the LGBTQIA2S+ communities was rolled back. Gains of same-sex marriages, and the ordination to ministry in some Christian denominations, were in some places becoming questionable.

In recent years, politics seems to be more about personalities, not policies. The various personalities involved enlarge matters and take issues to the point of extreme confrontation, – my way is the only way, and others are evil – types of messages. These combative aggressive approaches are toxic and inflammatory

Yet can they believe that Jesus was a black, homeless man with no formal education who was a disruptor of local and foreign governments and the righteous established religion?

I am not a liberal as the above information may suggest, I am a postmodern reconstructionist.

Take five minutes to read and much time to ponder

Take five minutes to read and much time to ponder

I love to talk with people. I also like to think and write. I enjoy my quiet, reflective, and creative time. Typically, a mug or two of black dark roast coffee is likely present. Writing helps me think, and thinking helps me write. Quiet, reflective, creative writing, and thinking continue to mold me.

I am dedicated to learning about what is around me and what is inside me. I must declare that writing feeds my soul. It does not matter if am a great writer or not. I love the process. I do not necessarily write toward creating a product. However, I would not be human if I did not declare that I do enjoy seeing and hearing if my “published” writing efforts gain traction! Now, several local folks have purchased my book.  When meeting me they said it was enlightening; too forward-thinking; and contained too many phrases asking readers to stop and ponder; and the church should read it. All good insights.

Recently, I submitted an editorial to a medical journal on robotics and postmodern society. I also submitted another paper to a university journal on the 4Asartificial intelligence, algorithms, and autocorrect all empowered by Lord Acton’s image of “power tending to corrupt and absolute power corrupting absolutely.” Given the raft of submissions that both publications receive, I doubt if I will even warrant a “Thanks, but no thanks,” rejection note.

This silent response is nothing new. I would estimate that of the 300-plus emails and notes I sent about my book, I received a handful of answers. Of the dozen free copies of my book, which I had to buy and then mail. I received one single thank you.

This is not a pity me piece but a reflection of what is taking place across society.

Perhaps, in part, anger is rising because people reaching out feel neglected or ignored. Or perhaps people feel so isolated, and/or buried in their phones that the art of conversation is giving way to confrontation. Maybe impatience is prevalent because we want or demand answers rather than wait, talk, or explore options. We can also see escalated violence in society. Possibly because of these and other social wants, we witness schools and churches as favorite places for mass murders. These events are not the work of one or two, but a result of our social failures. What is worse than this continuous stream of incidents is that we seem to the lack resolve to address this plague.

All this supports, very sadly, my premise that our society, and individuals, are so overloaded and overwhelmed with people, paperwork, work requirements, and pleasure all vying for attention that we are “trained” to be dismissive. This trained response was gradual and seemingly unintrusive. In other words, as the mountain of paperwork and waves of information increased in volume – thanks to the computer, the Internet, and smartphones – we slowly became victims of postmodernism. We picked and chose what to attend to and what to ignore. Sometimes instead of acknowledging or dealing with what we are, “receiving,” we simply become “senders.”

Today, anyone can create a blog. A blog (like this) is a written opinion piece posted on the Internet. Some are very insightful reflections on current events (like this.) Other blogs are professional or self-styled experts offering insights on a variety of topics, for example, cooking tips or hot vacation spots. Some bloggers blame liberals for all our social woes. While others blame conservatives. Yet others blame everyone for everything. Others are merely opinionated opinions. One’s blog may be a postmodern diary. It may appeal to multi-million followers or perhaps like me exists with the feign hope for just one reader. Additionally, anyone can create a podcast.

Yes, one can watch video tips on how to care for cats. A podcast might talk about the evil or acceptability of homosexuality. One can listen to various podcasts or “videos,” (despite tapes being obsolete) on how to play a guitar. Likewise, singers galore reach out on YouTube and elsewhere hoping that lightning strikes twice and one will become the next Justin Bieber.

With the rise of postmodernism from the 1960s onward book publishers changed how they approached publishing. With the onslaught of many new “want-to-be-writers,” discernment became more difficult. Previous, known best-selling authors were naturally retained. New authors were evaluated to see if sales would pay the salaries of seven levels of management and publishing costs. Yes, this is sarcasm. To what degree do publishers say, “Our formerly 3,000 book submissions per year are now 30,000 and we cannot digest that many!”  As a point of interest to what degree do publishers today say, “This book may not be a best-seller, but it represents a valuable resource of society so we will print it.” This is a question to consider.

With the ease of writing with computers, grammar, and spelling checkers, etc., the old practice of laborious detailed exacting planning, and then typing on typewriters is gone. It quickly faded into the sunset. Today, for example, a computer file that is 700 pages long can have a single word or sentence simply added and everything is automatically adjusted.

Blogs and book publishers in postmodernism deal with the joys, benefits, and challenges of “social media platforms.” Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, Zoom, Facetime, etc., now rule. Instead of filters such as proofreaders, or evaluation undertaken by skilled authors in one’s field of writing, etc., we have people blogging at will. “Stream of consciousness writing,” has replaced structured chapters, paragraphs, and sentences. Given all these and other realities the age of “writing” is truly immersed in an incredible paradigm shift.

Amidst all these social challenges and our need for speed, and instant answers – despite not deeply exploring questions – we are in the trap of sensationalism, and entertainment. We live in a tabloid world. News of the last mass murders in schools often shares the headlines, and space with the exclusive story of how a Hollywood star lost 20 lbs.; or found a new hair product; or is getting divorced, again. Alas, even with these items in front of us we are easily bored – well, at least until the next week when we read, of the next school shooting and another movie, television, or sports star’s vital narcissistic news. Are we shallow, or are we just “a mile wide and only an inch thick” – because we are overwhelmed by so much that we only deal with a little, and then, marginally?  We pick what we want to deal with and ignore the rest!

Oh, how we are so easily distracted and forget and neglect the pain of the world around us. We forget and neglect those victims and families of mass murders because we marginally address gun and mental health reforms. To deal with these matters with intention would cause us to look deep within ourselves. Avoidance is so much easier.

We forget and neglect the Earth because it is, after all, only a resource to consume (sarcasm). Now the planet is fighting back through climate change. Are we paying enough attention?

In many situations, brashness and an urgent need for avoidance leads us to evade looking at issues such as climate change, gun violence, mental health, and poverty. We only want to live in the moment – our moment!  Likewise, we forgot the value and virtue of humility. Humility is not thinking too much or too little of oneself. It is truly being comfortable in one’s skin and valuing others.

Perhaps you need some quiet, reflective, and creative time to consider these thoughts. Perhaps you might do so with a mug or two of black dark roast coffee supplements this time. Maybe writing may help you think, and thinking to help you write. Quiet, reflective, creative writing, and thinking I hope may mold you in more compassion for the self, for others, and for the earth.


Totalitarianism, anxiety, polarization, alienation, conspiracy, violence, hate, frustration, and extremism: Some common words in our reality, words that should not surprise us!

Totalitarianism, anxiety, polarization, alienation, conspiracy, violence, hate, frustration, and extremism: Some common words in our reality, words that should not surprise us!

We live in a topsy-turvy world. Advances in information, technology, etc., are reversing many historical, traditional, social morés. Instead of a conversation, we are often confrontational. Instead of seeking negotiated solutions, we now act as if we must win at all costs. We may take great delight as others lose. The world of the past is gone. In turn, the postmodern world swirling around us is changing faster than we can humanly accommodate.

Here is an example. A few decades ago, we largely communicated by face-to-face conversations, by telephone calls, or by writing letters. If we made a phone call and if the was busy, we thought nothing of calling back later. If so radically adopted, we were able to leave a phone message. Then the Internet arrived! In this radically shifting world, we suddenly discovered, and become obsessed with new realities. We found e-mail – I have three accounts myself. However, the one I use for my fantasy sports is must be rigged because I rarely rise above last place.  Billions of websites and social media platforms surround us. Instead of daily face-to-face conversations or a few phone calls, we are prone to send (or receive) many texts, perhaps hundreds at once. Unlike postage, these are at little or no cost! Instead of receiving or making phone calls or having conversations, we can promptly accommodate, the volume of conversations we may send or receive in postmodernism may weigh us down. Unfortunately, many unsolicited “spam” emails slip past filters and enter our in-box. Consequently, we become jaded and we tend to brush off many legitimate emails!

Likewise, phone calls can now be global and on video without the old issue of the expense of “long distant fees.” With the COVID-19 plague, greatly restricting our lives video calls, and video meetings are the new world order. This activity might become the new normal. There are fewer business expenses, and less unnecessary travel that may suit many enterprises, especially those trying to recapture some lost pre-COVID business.

Polarization became a reality as we lost the middle ground on issues and sadly began to lose the middle class to the old model of “haves and have not’s.” Likewise, ongoing polarized views moved us into patterns of alienation. One of the realities of alienation and polarization is tribalism. In fact, how often do we hear in jest the term, “my tribe,” but fail to realize that while it may seem affirm? It is an intensive social reality that greatly segregates, and divides.

Another illustration of the topsy-turvy world is that a mere fifty years ago, when people prayed at church or  home, they bowed their heads with closed joined hands. They prayed for the sick and worldly issues beyond themselves. Today, few attend church, but an even greater number of people than ever who attended church now bow their heads. They bow them everywhere, at all times. Today, closed hands clench devices. Instead of praying or considering the world beyond themselves, they are tethered to games, movies, etc that are entertaining them, or simply fulfilling inward consumption.

Unlike the past when we gathered insights from a few local television, radio stations, or newspapers, we now can connect to almost any station or news source in the world! We once read newspapers that were actual hand-held pieces of paper. We read thoughtful research opinions. Today, we read the paperless newspaper on devices. Today’s “Opinion Editorials,” unlike in the past, are thousands of “blogs,” that are opinion pieces by people with opinions – facts or the true situation seems secondary! In turn, whereas opinion pieces of the past were well researched, well constructed, and grammatically written, today’s pieces are “stream of consciousness” single-focused rants that seem designed to evoke emotional responses rather than walk us through a constructed argument. Bluntly, we can no longer get our arms around everything like we use to. We are no longer “limited” to rational points of view. Furthermore, we are so confused with countless choices we became very selective – this includes news, opinions, consumer choices, and personal actions.

Alas, we have too many choices, conversations, messages, news items, and other daily (can we say, hourly) pressing needs that we are overly burdened with how to cope. Sometimes I feel like humming that iconic line from the Beatles’ song Eleanor Rigby. Instead of saying (since I do not sing very well) – “Father McKenzie, Writing the words of a sermon that no one will hear. No one comes near.” I slightly change the words to be more appropriate, “Father Robson, Writing the words of an email that no one will see. No one come has time.”

We are so overwhelmed we limit ourselves to known sources that think like us so we do not have to strain to discern. This means email, other social media, news sources, and even other contacts. While a “sent” email may very important to us, the “receiver,” may perceive it as “spam,” or “garbage” or at best, not in their interest. This can lead to “sender anger.” Accumulated “sender” hurts and other snubs can lead to, as noted, polarization. I

Since we are overloaded, at many turns, we often seek black and white solutions. Likewise, we do not desire to invest time or interest to sort through the mountain of information or sources around us. Sadly, it may become easy to wittingly, or unwittingly, to turn our thinking over to others who are like us. Have we not undertaken this with computers?  In other words, in complex matters we become myopic because it is a way out of too much thinking, too much investment of time, or just disinterest. After all,  we just want answers.

Since we are appeased, we do not see we have fallen into a rabbit hole when single-mindedness reigns and single solution answers make us feel like we are right and any other viewpoint is wrong. A consequence of these movements is that they may gather such forceful momentum that they become dominant in society leading to totalitarian realities where one voice speaks for every voice.

In many ways, the internet and the environment it created compromised our ability to cope. We deal with so much information, and choices we, as noted, are choosy. Then the smartphone arrived. It pushed the envelope even further. Can we say we hit overload wherever we are? Perhaps we say we live in a time of reductionism where we like bite-size, chewable, and good tasting, pieces of information be it societal issues, ideology, religion, and politics. In turn, we use our smartphones as less smart people to provide answers and solutions to societal issues, ideology, religion, and politics. When that takes place we can turn our attention to what  matters, being entertained! We are so addicted to these walking computers that we rarely even take our eyes off them. We are anxious if our phones are not in our hands. It use to be that the clock controlled what we watched or listened to but with the advent of streaming, we are in control. We have greater power in being entertained.  One of the great ironies of postmodernism is that smartphones, etc, which can reduce anxiety are often a source that creates anxiety!

In modernism and postmodernism as disposable income emerged a significant social focus targeted people to be consumers. Today, consumerism is so much part of our lives we must say that we morphed from consumers to the consumed! The Internet, social media, and smartphones are central to our existence. Yet they created an environment where we can no longer get our arms (Or minds) around hourly information. Then even sell us medication for the anxiety that they created! Those images are just a few illustrations of the postmodern reality of consumerism, rampant individualism, instant gratification, polarization, commercialism, and tunnel vision that are clogging us individually and our society.  Sometimes we may become so wound up in one viewpoint on one issue that it becomes us. We might even become so enraged (Patience is not a postmodern word) that we weaponize the issue between us, the “good guys,” and everyone else. Sadly going “postal” may take place more frequently in future years. Heck, the single-issue topic of anti-vaccine even created truck conveys that shut down downtown Ottawa, a normally placid community in a clam nation!

Consciously and unconsciously, we are sometimes so overwhelmed (Yes, this is a very popular word in postmodernism)  that we begin to shift from rational- emotional souls, that think with our hearts and minds balanced, to souls where we become so emotional that may weaponize ourselves and those like us and attack anyone who is not of our ilk. For example, we have to slide to the point where a single issue or topical manifestation like no-vaccines for COVID-19 become hot button topics that go far beyond respectful conversations or sharing of ideas, facts, and opinions. In fact, in postmodernism, opinions outweigh facts. After all, these individuals believe and accept that they with scant information from very selective sources know more than seasoned well-informed experts!

Very often, in our postmodern dilemma, we tend for remedies or solutions that previously worked.  As the difficulty in coping expands, the world suddenly entered a pandemic. The open postmodern envelope of change opened even farther! For some, as noted, coping morphed into extremism. For some tunnel vision, etc. lead people to affirm nonsensical conspiracy theories.  Why? It was because these theories seem well supported, and they fit within our wheelhouse of information, and known solutions. Sadly, those who slide into extreme thinking and actions are those at the edges of both left and right political, religious, and social views. Unfortunately, a tunnel vision action, in each of the noted scenarios, hooked some people.

Unfortunately, for some when they are overwhelmed they may slide into extreme thoughts. They become consumed to the point where they might implode (Can we say ever-increasing societal mental health issues!) or explode – in other words, go “postal.” I sometimes wonder will we continue to slide to the point where shootings in schools, churches, and malls are no longer news and reported like the days’ baseball scores. How do we respond to those consumed with notions of righteous truck conveys, support anti-vaccination, or even create a selfish war in Europe?(All wars begin because someone or some state is selfish).

When challenged by too many choices, every moment, we retreat. We put walls around ourselves, or others. We fall into our safe predictable history! Likewise, we fail to see decades of advertising on radio and television, and now the worldwide web, where products are marketed to individuals to purchase, buy and accumulate. The message remains, “You need this product to be complete and happy. You need our perfumes, this food, or these clothes to smile.” I like the car advertising show the new owners of car (Which on television show all the extras options!) having a good time – it does not show people struggling to make the new car payments – which were with taxes, delivery costs, and other charges so much higher than the advertising told.

In postmodernism, scammers constantly let us know that we are heirs to millions in some foreign bank account (Darn, I wish it were true). Advertisers, also let us know about their incredible products (No, I do not need pizza 365 days a year). Because of these countless imposed and unsolicited messages, and real messages from real people, that we receive on our various media sites we need to learn how to discern what is important to us. As noted, while “senders” may think their notes are vital, we as “receivers,” may not. As the online invasion of space is crowding around us, we started to feel jaded. Trying to choose between 36 brands of toothpaste, deodorant, and other wide choices impedes us. I am waiting for “Car grease” as a deodorant smell since every other known smell is already developed! (Yes, this is sarcasm). Likewise, have you ever noticed how one advertisement keeps saying eat, eat, eat and the very next commercial says, diet, diet, diet!

Consequently, we are very discerning about whom we allow in our space – and whose space we wish to share. This is normalized behavior. We also find it difficult to make good choices given the vast array of options around us. Unknowingly and knowingly, we are frustrated. We sometimes wish for a return to simple choices. It is no wonder that “Returning to Bible basics,” though very flawed, has recaptured a sizable segment of society. To those in this camp the Bible seems to spell out life’s issues and solutions and lets you know that you are God’s righteous – such a soothing assurance with no “deep thinking.” (Read Nicholas Carr’s book, The Shallows!)

In our self-centered, consumer society where the focus is on one accumulating and being paid attention to, the very idea of being disregarded hurts both senders and receivers on social media. Too many consumer decisions are also frustrating. In turn, as jaded consumers we expect the new car to make us happy, just as it looks on television, only to discover, that life never changes – expect larger car payments. Sometimes jaded behavior moves us to “unfriend” our friends on social media instead of ascertaining the root of the problem.  In the age of instant gratification, we react and do this quickly with little thought. After all, it is “all about me.” The same is true about the conflict in making other daily decisions. We shifted from a rationed (head-thinking) society that sought workable solutions and answers to complex issues to emotionalism (heart-focused) where we want instant answers to soothe our anger, hurt, or displeasure. Sadly, we fail to realize, or do not care that in meeting our emotional needs we may be destroying the emotional needs of others.

This frustration, and our sense of entitlement, in part, is leading us to polarization.  We can certainly state that the society-driven, commercial-created image of “Have it your way,” where we seemingly can personalize everything has molded us into believing that we can have (Anything you want). We expect to get what we want because for no reason we believe we deserve everything. Sometimes when we do not get our way temper tantrums to ensue. In turn, we seek out like-minded people because they respond to our notes, messages, and shared opinions. I call this the “Robson’s Reverse Bell Curve Phenomena.”

This needs explaining. Whereas politically and socially we use to appease the middle of the bell curve where most people “resided,” we no longer do so. Again, while we use to move slightly to the left or right of the center, this changed! If we flip the bell curve upside it shows that people seem to align to “live” on the edges. Another term for this is polarization. This means we try to appease either those leaning to the left or right edge, or those very near the edges. In today’s society it is those who are on the edges are the most heard, and sometimes receive most of the attention from media and society because it gets our attention. After all, they make the most noise. Thus, the ones making the most “noise” are seemingly appeased when media and society respond. Instead of the rule “silent majority,” we morphed to catering to the “noisy minority.” The “silent majority,” still exists, but more polarized than a few decades ago and often quiet – why? Perhaps they were motivated into apathy over the lack of attention. Perhaps those on the edges alienated those in the middle that the middle slide to the closer to the edges to avoid being hurt or abused and upset.

In our consumer-driven society of instant gratification, we want to be appeased – and right away! We do not want to wrestle through issues (As we use to when people occupied the middle ground). If not provided with our “happy meal” we become irritated. We are so consumed with being right or appeased we expect the powers involved in the situation, or issue at hand, to give in and meet our needs. Since we look to meeting our specific personal and like-minded needs, we reject, or at best ignore the positions or needs of others. We have limited vision, and are shortsighted! In other words, all we may care about is our narrow perceptive that speaks to our entitlement. Somehow, the image of looking out for widows, orphans, the poor, the homeless may be beyond the vision of the enraged.

Speaking of “happy meals,” we are a society that likes fast quick meals (Meaning solutions) so we can move on to other matters that seemingly require our immediate attention, The “family meal” as a meal or as a metaphor for exploring a whole issue does not exist. Besides family meals or dealing with issues in detail takes precious time, and with our dwindling attention span and need for quickness, we do not want to give matters time. Instead, we want and expect resolutions. We also become agitated when emails or other social media messages receive no response. We become mad when our personal needs and those “just like us,” with common goals are not met. Even if we understand that those like us, comprise less than 1% of the population we still demand that others change to what we want. After all, we are right and others just need to acknowledge this! Sometimes the small groups like to note that they are doing God’s will! “If God wants us to wear masks, we would have been told. Likewise, perhaps the pandemic is HIS way of sorting out sinners!” (Yes, this is more sarcasm – BTW – did not Moses wear a mask when he came down the mountain?)

Violence is sometimes a by-product of all the issues that overwhelm us – consumerism, instant gratification, limited and narrow vision, the need for constant entertainment, shallowness, lack of humility, etc. For example, do we need 100 choices of olive oil or pasta (Metaphorically speaking)? Smartphones have exaggerated the problem. Today, if we have and question we expect Google, or other search engines, to provide answers, and answer in milliseconds. If web pages take too long to load (Meaning a few seconds), we become anxious and seek another source. Patience is not a word used in the postmodern world. Heck, our smartphones chirp and we cannot wait five seconds to see what is happening. Pavlov’s dogs have nothing on us!

Years ago, Andy Warhol said everyone would have 15 minutes of fame. Today, I would counter that if he had lived and was aware of the internet, social media, smartphones, and our overloaded society he might have modified his comment to say we will have 15 seconds of fame. Unfortunately, George Floyd, experienced nine minutes and twenty-nine seconds of torture replayed millions of times.

In recent decades in our accelerated, always quick, non-reflective, non-co-operative, or non-conversational society rooted in instant gratification, we may see more school, church, and mall shootings. People in traffic jams may start blasting each other over trivial matters, without thoughts of consequences ever dawning on them. Rage is replacing compassion – compassion given and or received. As poet, singer, and social reflector Pete Seeger mused, “When will we ever learn?” Again, we need to seriously take time to “step back, and step down,” from emotive responses and rationally take time to assess, reflect, and ponder countless situations, every day, before we act foolishly or respond with knee-jerk reactions based on instant gratification.

In other words, to heal and reform from the pain all around us it is critical and essential that we “pause,” before we act or respond. Without question, this would reduce the pain we inflict upon others, and upon our souls!

A Sort of Poem – Bowed heads and Closed hands

A Sort of Poem – Bowed heads and Closed hands

A Sort of Poem – Bowed heads and Closed hands
by David John Robson


When I was a lad, I bowed my head to pray.

My elders taught me to pray for those sick, and to pray for the world.

I was encouraged to go outside or beyond myself.

With hands held together, I strived to reach beyond myself.

Today those like me, an elder, tried to teach but mostly failed.

Technology trumped parents and others.

Today’s youth, like me still bow their heads.

They bow them more than I did, and for much longer.

They too bow and use their hands, but  they bow and stare at their devices.

They bow as they text, game, or mess about.

They reach with bowed heads to their hands to feed their needs.

The clenched hands serve to serve themselves.

What a different world.

We are living in the World’s Greatest Reformation, or Western Society on “Tilt”

We are living in the World’s Greatest Reformation, or Western Society on “Tilt”

Consider the following metaphor. This fanciful, provocative,  but fairly accurate illustration of Western Society should stimulate you to ponder what is taking place in your life, your various communities (can we tribes?), and society.

A mere fifty years ago, I bought the film for my modest modern single-lens-reflex (SLR) camera. Depending upon my financial abilities, these were rolls of 12, 24, or 36 exposures. When rolls were completed, they were mailed to Kodak for processing in special envelopes. I anxiously waited for two or three weeks for my pictures to return. Sometimes three or four (okay, maybe six) of the returned pictures were out of focus, or poorly composed. Nevertheless, I owned the package.

Today, with my multi-functioning phone I can instantaneously take a hundred pictures and within a few anxious milliseconds view them. Yes, we all get anxious and excited when we open the picture icon on our phones. Those out-of-focus, or poorly composed are instantly deleted. We reject what we do not like. We do not need to acknowledge or learn from our mistakes. Instead, we are too busy congratulating ourselves on impressive shots. In a phrase, we turned the world from one model to one that represents an incredible opposite. Let us explore this paradigm shift, which offers a grand illustration of what is taking place in the greatest reformation in history.

As a substitute for patience, we are hooked on instant gratification. Today, we do not look or evaluate the inexpensive bad shots. We only want to examine our masterpieces. We no longer look at our poor shots to learn from where we went wrong, and it costs us money, as with the film pictures. Instead, we simply focus on the perfection of digital shots that cost us nothing more than a millisecond to take and a millisecond if unloved, to delete. Furthermore, in the past expensive SLR cameras were a treasured tool that lasted for many years. Today, while expensive, we often trade in one smartphone for another every few years. Why so? It is because it feeds our self-gratification of having the latest and best. I ask are these not fair examples of our life paradigm shifting society.

Today, the camera-phone, which is smart, may even auto-fix or correct many pictures unbeknownst to us! The out-of-focus shots have pixels that fill in spaces and make our pictures right. Sometimes as we aim to take a picture, the camera-phone-Swiss army knife machine informs us not to take that shot! We may read on the screen “blurred.”Additionally, with various “apps” (applications for the unenlightened), we have clean clear images. Speaking of cleaning up, if so desiring, one can even clean Uncle Eddie and Aunt Bertha out of pictures as if they were never there. In other words, the small hand-held device effortlessly makes us look like very accomplished photographers. However, instead of acknowledging the assistance of technology, we willing believed it was our skills. Naturally, we accept all the credit for these splendid shots. This is a shift from honest self-evaluation to self-boasting – what a reversal.

Another great reversal is that whereas we use to take largely planned shots of special life events, because of limited film exposures, we now take countless pictures, of absolutely everything. I like looking on social media at every restaurant meal, or a home-cooked meal, or the cat playing the piano. This is sarcasm.

Years ago, we planned what shots to take because of the cost involved. Today there is no cost. This is another shift. Also, consider the reality that from its inception we watched television at the timeline of the networks. If Star Trek was on Thursday at 8 PM (it was) then that was the time we watched or missed an episode. Commercial breaks proved challenging if one wanted a snack, pour a drink, or attend the bathroom. The cry of the youth echoing around homes was, “It’s on” was a common reality. Today’s shows are on our timeline. We stream what we want when we want. If we want to binge-watch specific television shows we no longer have to wait a week or more for the next episode (or the summer reruns). Likewise, if interrupted, we merely hit pause and resume watching at our convenience. Is this not a reversal or real paradigm changer?  From the control of a few television networks to individuals controlling many networks, streaming services is a real reversal or paradigm shift in society.

In the past, we knew who took photos because they were the ones missing in the family picture. Today, we know the photographer because they are often the closest person in the picture. Besides, we often see an extended arm indicating that they are holding the camera-phone. Indeed whereas we use to aim the camera outward, we now turn it inward. This is a big reversal in picture taking and in how we place ourselves in society. Unlike in the past, we now take pictures, hundreds of pictures of ourselves. What an incredible paradigm shift – we shifted from seeing the world to the expectation and desire for the world to see us (or our latest meal)!

In previous days, we would take our precious printed pictures around to show our relatives and friends. If so inclined, and if able, we might even splurge and order “doubles” to provide others with a copy of those precious reminiscences. Today, we simply post our pictures (and especially those that center on us) to various social media platforms and anxiously wait for a thousand people to “like” them. What a shift. We moved from, “Look at you and the family in those wedding pictures,” to “Look at me and others as we eat Monday’s supper.” Is this not another change?

This thoughtful and reflective illustration of the practice and limitations surrounding the printed film to today’s seemingly unlimited digital uses is a perfect metaphor of the tectonic postmodern shift smothering society as traveled from the WE to the ME.

Perhaps you might read this illustration again to enhance or add to your understanding of the truly monumental significance of the postmodern world – where fake news is true – if we chose to believe it. Today confrontation and loud rudeness overwhelm conversations and decorum. Where are our filters? To return to the camera image, we have reverted or returned to a single-lens camera that has limited options. While the camera and technology posed limits in the past, we now impose our limits and restrictive views.

The move from the “WE to the ME” is self-evident in our society. In recent decades, fraternal organizations, service clubs, religious institutions, and volunteerism dived in terms of membership and activities. If one checked the membership in these institutions, the result would find that they are largely comprised of long-term members – in other words, older people! In the past, people using SLR cameras were patient. They carefully planned, and hoped, that they might get the perfect shot. Today, with digital cameras and smartphones one can take hundreds of shots within seconds and then delete them all but one or two. Instead of working towards a great shot, or picture, we seem to obtain that perfect picture by eliminating countless others. As a result, do we have the same appreciation as earlier generations? This is a profound question. Instead of building towards a goal, through quality, as in the past, we now reach our goal by having quantity! From this quantity, we delete away the countless pictures deemed unworthy. Do we have the same depth of satisfaction, or are we always striving to be pleased? This is another question to ponder in our rapidly changing world. Consider the idea that in many ways we shifted from addition to subtraction.  While not a perfect image, this may stimulate thinking about the great reformation that covers your life and our society.



Explore the “who am I,” and, “who we are,” questions circling the postmodern world?

I am glad you are interested in who you are, fittingly concerned about those around you, and Western Society! Much suggests that we are living in the greatest reformation in history. Consequently, we need to observe and ponder a great deal.

In an age where bombarded answers overwhelm us, this effort leads readers to explore questions. Additionally, it directs readers to look at information and to take time to reflect. A unique feature of this book is the addition of insights from many eminent scholars, researchers, and writers. This broadens the scope for reflections.  The book’s layout is:

1. Postmodernism and Western Society
2. Postmodernism and Western Christianity
3. Postmodern Spirituality
4. Spiritual but Not Religious
5. Spirituality and the Brain
6. Spirituality and Mindfulness
7. Spirituality and Issues of Loneliness …
8. Spirituality and Education
9. The Future

  • Appendix A — A Practical Model of Spirituality and Learning Rooted in Adult Learning
  • Principles
  • Appendix B—Partial List Of Topics
  • Appendix C—Some Tools and Models Used to “Measure” Spirituality
  • Appendix D—Some Tools and Models Used to “Measure” Mindfulness
  • Appendix E—Mindfulness in Education Research Highlights
  • Endnotes
  • Bibliography